The Conference

Day One, 25th March 2015 focused on formative e-Assessment and assessment for learning of knowledge and skills in vocational and academic education and training.

Day Two, 26th March 201 focused on using e-Assessment at the heart of  formal high stakes qualifications and certification, from the class room to the workplace

Both days looked at the broad spectrum of innovative e-assessment from assessment for learning and formative assessment in the classroom and the workplace to high stakes qualifications to the use of technology to support and enhance assessment, qualifications and certification - developing robust, reliable and cost-effective solutions to support learners, teachers and institutions.


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NetObjects Web Design Placeholder

Previous Years - the 2014 Conference
In March 2014, the 12th annual international conference on e-Assessment and computer supported assessment and qualifications, the e-Assessment Question Conference and Exhibition, was held on 26th and 27th March 2014 at the Americas Square Conference Centre in the City of London.

The focus for the conference was on assessing those skills that underpin learning generally many broader qualifications. They can form qualifications in their own right but skills, such as Numeracy and Literacy, Functional Skills,  Basic Skills, STEM Skills and the like, and present their own challenges for e-Assessment

The education and training spotlight is clearly on skills underpinning a broader curriculum, and a wide range of training and development programmes The conference looked closely at how e-Assessment can support the numeracy, technology and literacy learning process through both formative and summative assessment, and in the delivery of a broad range of academic and vocational  qualifications.

For more on the 2014 conference learn more           

Download FULL  Programme

Programme for the 13th e-Assessment Question

Day One, 25th March 2015
0930 Present landscape and the consequences of the FELTAG and similar requirements
1045 Coffee break and opportunity to browse exhibition and network
1100 The expectations of stakeholders and learners
1230 Lunch
1330 The e-Assessment Association AGM followed by a Question-time Brains Trust
1500 Tea break and opportunity to browse exhibition and network
1515 e-Assessment and learning: innovation and development

Day Two, 26th March 2015
0930 Innovation as a driving force
1045 Coffee break and opportunity to browse exhibition and network
1100 Developing new approaches
1230 Lunch
1400 Delivering e-Assessment: quality, effectiveness, efficiency
1500 Tea break and opportunity to browse exhibition and network
1515 Driving change
1615 Closing remarks from chair

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The e-Assessment Question 2015
Theme for 2015: Innovate, Innovate, Innovate               
25th/26th March 2015 @ Americas Square Conference. Centre  contact tel: +44 (0) 203 617 1580

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NetObjects Web Design Placeholder
NetObjects Web Design Placeholder

(c) Designed and built by
Jeff Ross @
Broxbourne Solutions


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